Booking Discovery flight

Booking type    
  Number of passengers:      
Passengers First name Name Age Weight(kg)
Main passenger (Contact)  
Passenger 2  
Passenger 3  

Contact information

Desired date: ou
Preferred time:
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You can also contact us at the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at the phone +32 (0)470 64 68 28

 Tarifs available here.


  • Each aircraft has a maximum limit for the weight of passengers (Weight and Balance). If your weight exceeds 90 kilos, we will have to use a 4-seater plane. So even if you are the only passenger, we will use a Cessna 172 4-seater plane for safety reasons
  • On each flight, we must provide an official document called "Weight and Balance" which allows to check if the plane is not overloaded. This is why we ask you the weight of each passenger.
  • If a passenger is younger than 18 and the parent is not in the plane, we require written permission from the parent. Attached is the authorization to be completed. (Autorisation_Parentale_Vol_RAPCS.pdf)
  • After booking, you will be put in contact with an approved pilot for discovery flights or an instructor for an initiation flight. We will try our best to meet your desired date but aviation is highly dependent on weather conditions. If conditions are not optimal, we will agree on a new date. Safety is our first concern.